On-Demand tokenization brings the ability to enter a credit card just once and be able to use it again several times.
As we have mentioned in past sections, tokens tok_xxxx can only be used once, in order to be able to use them multiple times it is necessary to use this token to generate a token crd_xxxxx
Creation and retrieve of a client
1. Create a token tok_xxxxx to do this task you can refer to the javascript tokenization guide.
2. Retrieve the token cus_xxxx from the client to which you are going to assign the on-demand token
3. Import Sr Pago.php class
include_once ‘./vendor/SrPago_php/SrPago.php';
4. Call the method addCardToCustomer
$srPago = new SrPago(); $srPago->setup(); try{ $result = $srPago->addCardToCustomer($_POST['clientToken'],$_POST['tokenInput']); //$result = $srPago->addCardToCustomer(null,null); }catch (Exception $e){ echo 'Error ' . $e->getMessage() . ' ' . $e->getFile(); }
This method will return an array with a token crd_xxxxxx, this token can be used multiple times to make a better user experience.